Brooklands Museum

27th March 2024

Year group: 1

Brooklands Museum

Dear Parents /Carers

Year 1 are planning a trip to Brooklands Museum. This is to support their topic this term on transport.

Lunch: All children will need a packed lunch in a named disposable bag with a named water bottle.

Clothes: Children should wear their full school uniform and school shoes. All children must bring a coat as some of the day will be spent outside. 

We really want this worthwhile experience to go ahead however, this does depend on all parents making the £20.32 voluntary contribution.  We will review the contributions we have received by Tuesday 16th April. If parents have not made a contribution, the office will need to contact you before we can make a decision about whether the visit can go ahead. It’s for this reason that we would really appreciate you letting us know if you are unable to make this voluntary contribution. 

If your child is entitled to free school meals we have automatically reduced this cost for you on Schoolcomms. If you experience any difficulty with payment please speak to the school office in confidence.

Payment to be made by Tuesday 16th April 2024 via Schoolcomms.

Please speak to the office staff if you have any questions.

Thank you